34 Celebs Who Secretly Voiced Animated Characters

But does that one emoji ever say, ‘Make it so, Number One’?
34 Celebs Who Secretly Voiced Animated Characters

Have you ever sat down, watched your favorite cartoon, heard a character talk and thought, “Wait, that kinda sounds like… Nah, it couldnt be.” Then after you pause the show and check IMDb, you found out that your ears werent deceiving you and that was Kathy Bates.

The wonderful thing about animation is that it can bring in some surprising guest stars to do a voice with little fanfare, making it a fun reveal once you hear it in the theater or on your TV. I mean, who knew that Rugrats and Die Hard had something in common? Or that a pro wrestler was in Avatar: The Last Airbender

Thanks to Cracked readers and Tomkat53, we have compiled 34 of the most surprising voice-acting cameos from over the years.

MTANA CRACKEDCON Everyone knows that Dwayne The Rock Johnson was the voice of Maui. But, did this villager sound familiar? IF SO, YOU MIGHT BE A FOOTBALL FAN, BECAUSE HE WAS VOICED BY FORMER PITTSBURGH STEELERS PLAYER TROY POLAMALU.
CRACKED COM SOUTHL PARK BIGGER, LONGER & UNCUT featured MIKE JUDGE as the unmuffled voice of Kenny McCormick:
A show about merpeople that focuses on social development for preschoolers might be the last place you'd expect to hear rocker Ozzy Osbourne's voice. Yet... The metal madman appeared on Bubble Guppies as villain Sid Fishy, in an episode about ocean pollution. CRACKEDOON

Young Justice

ALYSSA MILANO IS THE VOICE OF POISON IVY... in the series Young Justice.
Susan Sarandon voiced Dr. Wong in the classic Rick Marts ANd episode Pickle Rick. CRACKED

The Rugrats Movie

Reptar from The Rugrats Movie was actually voiced by... .Busta Rhymes. ORACKEDCO COM
Scarlett Johansson voiced Princess Mindy, the daughter of King Neptune, in The Spongebol Squarepants Movie.
CRACKEDOON * AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER The Boulder, a character inspired by The Rock... .was voiced by another WWE legend, Mick Foley aka Mankind.


CRACKED c Don Cheadle voiced Donald Duck in the season one finale of DuckTales when Donald swallowed a voice modulator that made him able to speak with a normal voice.

Adventure Time

Both the old and adult version of Finn on Adventure Time was voiced by none other than... Jonathan Frakes aka Wiliam To Riker of the Star Trek franchise. CRACKEDOON
Jaleel White is best known for his role as Steve Urkel. He is also the voice Of Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog (1993-1994) CRACKED COM COM
Audrey in The Lorax was played by none other than Taylor Swift. In a film with musical numbers by Ed Helms, Betty White, Rob Riggle, and more, how many songs did Tay Tay perform? Exactly none. CRACKEDCON
Academy Award-winning actor Kevin Kline is the voice of Mr. Fischoeder in Bob's Burgers. hulle CRaCKEDcom
We all know Zach Braff as the adorkable doctor in Scrubs. He also played the Harshall adorable titular character in Chicken Little. CRACKEDCONT
Spike, the Pickles' family dog in Rugrats, is voiced by Bruce Willis in Rugrats Go Wild. NICKELODFON Rugrats CRACKED COM
The voice behind our favorite gremlin Gizmo is comedian Howie Mandel. GREMLINS CRAGKEDOON
MULAN'S commanding officer, Li Shang, is voiced by B.D. Wongood but his performance of I'll Make A Man Out of You is by former teen heartthrob and CRACKED.COM Dancing With The Stars champion Donny Osmond.
The non=talking, big. red bird Terence from The Angry Birds Movie who only moans and grunts was voiced by Sean Penn. CRACKEDcO COM
KING OF HILL THE One of the most memorable one-time characters was the flirty policewoman who CRAOL put the moves on Hank. She was voiced by Kathy Bates.
Frozen's Grand Pabbie the Troll King is voiced by Ciaran Hinds Game -- of Thrones' King Beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder. Hinds says parents sometimes introduce him to their kids with, This is Pabbie, and the kids look at him and go No it's not. CRACKEDcO

Captain Planet

LeVar Burton, AKA Geordi LaForge on Star Trek: The Next Generation, voiced Captain Planet's Kwame. CRACKED COM

Gravity Falls

90's tv series Twin Peaks was a major influence on the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls, which is why creator Alex Hirsch contacted Agent Cooper himself, Kyle MacLachlan,, to play the Bus Driver in the series finale The role was only 3 lines long
You probably know by now that Nicolas Cage voiced Peter Parker/Spider-Man Noir in Spider-Man: Into the Spider- Verse. But did you know that the blond- haired version of Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the beginning of the movie is Chris Pine?
SHREK BOISOA Doris the ugly stepsister in the Shrek series is played by Larry King. He found voicing a woman to be kind of weird. CRACKED COM
HAYDEN PANETTIERE KAIRI IN KINGDOM HEARTS PRINCESS DOT IN A BUGS LIFE FAIRY PRINCESS WILLOW IN SCOOBY-DOO AND THE GOBLIN KING The Nashville star has lent her voice to a few animated productions and games since an early age. It seems she likes plaging the role of a princess! CRACKED.OON

Rick and Morty

Rick Marts CRACKED COM ANd Zeep, the genius scientist of the microverse that powers Rick's car, is voiced by Stephen Colbert.
If you turn on the radio in GTAV, there's a good chance you'll hear some voices that sound familiar. Kenny Loggins hosts J. B. Smoove hosts Los Santos Rock Radio. Chakra Attack. Cara Delevingne hosts Danny McBride hosts CRACKED COM Non-Stop-Pop FM. Beyond Insemination.

Teen Titans Go!

EN TTANS GO! Darkseid, one of DC's most powerful villain, is voiced by Weird Al Yankovic in Teen Titans Go! CRACKED CON
CRACKEDOON F VATAR Ming, the friendly prison guard who brought Iroh extra food rations and his favorite jade tea when he was detained by the Fire Nation, was voiced by tennis superstar Serena Williams.
Two Hollywood legends played emperors in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Sean Bean as Patrick Stewart as Martin Septim. Uriel Septim VII. CRACKED

Daniel Radcliffe

Edmund, the parody character of Edward Cullen in The Simpsons' Tweenlight segment from Treehouse of Horror SXXI, was voiced by Daniel Radcliffe credited as 'Daniel Ratfink' CRACKED COM


UN WIN TRO UEI WALL.E The spaceship's computer in WALL-E was voiced by Sigourney Weaver. Maybe it was to keep aliens away.
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