20 Celebs That Work Harder Than People Know

We all tend to picture celebrities as lazy grifters, lying around their fancy mansions and raining huge wads of cash on their designer pets. And yeah, it's easy to make fun of Adam Sandler and his buddies meeting up in whatever tropical locale to squeeze out a safe family comedy every other year—although, if you ask us, that does not at all sound like a bad life. But that's just not the case for everyone.
As it turns out, some celebrities actually work really, really hard. Obviously, it takes a ton of effort to get in shape to portray a believable boxer, and physical transformations get a lot of attention, but this goes beyond that. It extends to answering fan mail, perfecting musical instruments, and running businesses.
And we're not talking about their mundane, pre-fame lives. These are celebrities who continue(d) to expend enormous amounts of physical and/or mental energy on their craft, well after they succeeded.

Mike Tyson

David Copperfield

Miley Cyrus

Paris Hilton