Alice Jane Axness
Occasionally, I write words that are good.
4 Lifehacks For People Who Haven't Discovered Adulthood Yet
The key to doing the dishes efficiently: Never have any dishes to clean.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
5 Reasons 'Jessica Jones' Is Way Darker Than You Realize
It's really hard to be an abuse survivor and see no accurate representations of what it is like on TV, but damn does 'Jessica Jones' deliver.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
The 6 Best Ways To Meet People (Don't Work As Advertised)
I've decided to get back in the dating game, because I don't want to die alone. But meeting someone new is hard especially in a city full of people trying their hardest to ignore each other.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
4 Surprisingly Positive Things I Learned Working In Retail
At the tender age of 21, I've worked a few retail jobs and working in this soul-destroying field has taught me a thing or two.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
4 Things You Learn Being Clinically Depressed (As A Child)
I was in middle school the first time I noticed that other people had hobbies that weren't limited to crying or curling into a ball and ignoring everything.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
5 Famous Lucky Charms That Get More Baffling With Research
Why in the holy hell did people think everything would work out just fine for them as long as they had these specific object?
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
4 Things You Only Learn from Exercise if You're in Bad Shape
My reason for running is kind of dumb -- I just want to see how terrible I am at it.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
5 Creepy Dating Site Messages Every Woman Has Received
I went through all my old messages for examples of the most heinous messages I've received over the years. One $10 plastic handle of vodka later, I only hope someone learns something.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
5 Things You Learn Escorting Women Into an Abortion Clinic
Almost every Saturday morning for the last two years, I've hauled my ass out of bed really early so I could be at a local Planned Parenthood at 8:30 a.m. Here's what I learned.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
12 Fetishes That Will Brighten Your Day
Just a heads-up: if you click on the list, expect to find more than 400 fetishes, many with multiple subgenres, including lots of truly unsettling fetishes.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
Why Hating Lena Dunham Is Dumb (Even Though She's Wrong Too)
There's a lot of good reasons to dislike Lena Dunham, so make sure you pick an actually good reason.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published
5 Things You Learn From Camping (If You Hate the Outdoors)
I convinced two REI-looking folks I was friends with to take me camping in the wilderness of the Chilean suburbs. It went poorly.
- Authors
- By Alice Jane Axness
- Published