14 Trivia Tidbits We’ve Been Fostering From The Time They Were Factoids, But It’s Time Now To Send Them Off Into The World As The Listicle They Were Always Destined To Become

14 Trivia Tidbits We’ve Been Fostering From The Time They Were Factoids, But It’s Time Now To Send Them Off Into The World As The Listicle They Were Always Destined To Become

Well, well, well, it looks like Oklahoma couldn't make up its mind when it came to state symbols. On the one hand, they're all about that sweet, juicy goodness with watermelon being their official state vegetable. But then on the other hand, they've got a soft spot for strawberries, which they've deemed their official state fruit. And if you thought that was strange, wait until you hear about the closest U.S. state to Africa. Spoiler alert: it's not Florida. Nope, it's Maine, of all places! Doesn’t that shake your perception of all you know to be good and true!? And to top it all off, there's a character named Jessica in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice who not only has the same name as every girl born in the 90s but also happens to be the creator of her own name. Talk about a Renaissance woman! Read on to discover some more incredibly great and entertaining fun facts! 

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Maine Route

CRACKED Georgia United Kingdom Netherlands Slovakia Black.com Hungary Ireland Belgium Turkey Iraq France Greece Lebanon Italy United States Israel Tyrrhenian Sea Mediterranean Sea 3.332-32 ml Portugal Spain Egypt 2,000. 00 ml Tunésia Red Libya 0 Sur North Algeria Gult of Atlantic Mexico Ocean Chad Niger Western Sahara Cuba Centr uatemala Mal Africa Mauritania Honduras Repub Dominican Republic Nigeria Nicaragua Burkina Puerto Rios DR Con Faso Caribbean Sea Costa Rica Senegal Togo Equatorial The Gambia Ghana Guinea Panama Guinea Sierra Leone Liberia Angola Venezuela Calamlin THE CLOSEST U.S. STATE TO AFRICA IS MAINE. A small Maine peninsula is far east enough to


Oklahoma The Home Of Intelligence



Cat Facts

CRACKED IN 1975, A PHYSICS PAPER WAS PUBLISHED BY A CAT. His owner added the cat as a co-author when he realized he had typed we throughout the whole paper but was the only author.



CRACKED 25 25 25 WOMEN'S HEARTS BEAT FASTER THAN MEN'S. On average, a woman's heart beats 8-10 times per minute faster than a man's. This is thought to be because women have smaller hearts that need to pump blood more efficiently.

NCBI / Self 

The Feminine Mustique

CRACKED WOMEN HAVE A BETTER SENSE OF SMELL THAN MEN. Research has shown that women have a more sensitive olfactory system, which allows them to detect fainter odors and distinguish between similar scents more easily than men.


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