12 Normal-Looking Pictures That Are Actually Quite Badass

Ah, photography. The art of capturing a moment in time, preserving it forever in a single frame. From the first photograph taken of a person in 1838, to the most expensive photograph ever sold in 2011, the history of photography is a fascinating one. This list celebrates twelve of the most ordinary-looking but surprisingly important photographs of all time, each with its own unique story to tell.
From a picture of "Tank Man" at Tiananmen Square to a photo of the "Ideal Aryan Baby" chosen by Nazis, this list provides a glimpse into some of the most important moments in history. It also includes a photograph of the first veterans of the United States, a rare Colombian weasel caught in a bathroom, and a revolutionary aerial view of Boston.
So grab your camera, take a deep breath, and get ready to explore the world of photography. It’s time to take a look some of the most important photographs of all time.
The Colombian Weasel

Juan M. de Roux
"Ideal Aryan baby" chosen by Nazis.

Another look at "Tank Man."

Terril Jones,
The Associated Press/Wiki Commons
“Patron Saint of JPEGs” — Lena Forsen.

Emir of Bukhara, 1911: History in the making.

Library of Congress
Science rocks, literally.

Aerial view of Boston, pre-fire.

James Wallace Black
Sign Painter Arrested.

The Lewiston Tribune
Fate’s a funny thing.

Alex and Donna Voutsinas
Knowledge is Power, yep.

Record-breaking photo sale.

Andreas Gursky
Historical relic: check.