15 Trivia Tidbits That Perplexed Us Into A Blissful Stupor

The French have stupid toilet paper. Someone had to say it.
15 Trivia Tidbits That Perplexed Us Into A Blissful Stupor

Step right up to the most amazing, belly-busting carnival of fun and facts! Seriously, these facts are better than cotton candy, funnel cake, and fried Oreos combined! Also they won’t destroy your body from the inside out! So wee!!!!!! Anyway, here at our carnival of factual wonders, you can find out wild things like the fact that your brain is so amazing it can't even feel pain. So some surgeries can be performed with the patient conscious - something scientists even think is disgusting and freakish! But that's only the beginning of what this carnival has to offer - in France, they have a special delight called "pink toilet paper" instead of traditional white! And when it comes to rats, their ability to reproduce is mind-blowing - two rats can create one million offspring within 18 months and by year three, an astounding half a billion descendents are possible. So don't wait another minute to come check out this remarkable ride - get ready for lots of laughs and plenty of surprises!

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