15 Unreasonably Odd Bits Of Trivia It Wouldn't Be Fair Of Us To Keep To Ourselves

Hey there, world wide web vagabonds! Did you know that cows who stand more are more likely to lie down? Science spent cold hard cash trying to figure that one out! To make it worth their while, if you ever see a cow just standing there, give it a tender, gentle nudge and tell it to relax. On the other hand, scammers don’t actually enjoy their money as much as honest people do. Maybe it’s because they know deep down that their cash was earned through lies and deceit (and probably very weird and sexual eyebrow waggling), or maybe it’s just karma catching up to them. And finally, the White Russian cocktail actually originated in Brussels, not Russia. So next time you order one at the bar, just tell everyone you’re drinking a "Belgian Russian" and watch their confused faces. Cheers to cows, scammers, and Belgian Russians – and if you want more fun facts continue scrolling, ya dope!
Late Night Cartoon Wars

Cartoon Network, 20th Television
’Space Ghost Coast to Coast’: How a Hanna-Barbera Talk Show Started an Entire Comedy Counter-Culture
Sad Scammers

New Yorker Joker

5 Employees Who Spectacularly Told Their Bosses to Take This Job and Shove It
Hug For a Mug

Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock,
Day Of Victory Studio/Shutterstock
Molly Shannon Got Hired on ’Saturday Night Live’ and Mugged on the Same Day
Russian Roots

Gramercy Pictures
How ’The Big Lebowski’ Turned the White Russian into a Milk of the Gods
Steady as a Rock

I’m Too Hot For My Mask

The Zodiac Killer

It’s Napoleon Complex

Jacques-Louis David/Wiki Commons
Terror of the Short King: The Napoleon Complex As Defined by Science
Not Everyone Loves Lucy

I Loathe Lucy: Martin Short Was Terrorized By Lucille Ball on a Flight
Lincoln Lovers


How NFTy!

Prince Chandler

Warner Bros. Television
How Now Standing Cow