15 Ways to Look Like a Jerk in Other Countries

From thumbs-up in Iran to no whistling in Haiti, learn to show respect in different cultures.
15 Ways to Look Like a Jerk in Other Countries

Ah, the perils of traveling abroad! It can be a daunting experience, trying to learn the customs and etiquette of a foreign country. You can be thrown for a loop by the language barrier, but there are also cultural differences that can be hard to spot. From taxi etiquette to chopstick faux pas, this list will help you navigate the cultural nuances of different countries, so you can be sure to make a good impression - otherwise you can just stay there, idiot. 

So, if you’re ready to take the plunge and explore the world, here is a list of 15 cultural tips to keep in mind. From the subtle to the obvious, these tips will help you avoid embarrassing slip-ups and cultural misunderstandings. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, this list will help you make the most of your experience and ensure that you leave a positive impression. So, read on and bon voyage!

Show your appreciation - slurp your noodles.

CRACKED SOUP-DRINKING ETIQUETTE: JAPAN STYLE. In Japan, slurping your noodles and soup is a sign of appreciation for the chef, and it is common to drink directly from the soup bowl instead of using a spoon.

Huff Post 

Slippers for the door, slippers for the loo – Japanese hospitality has you covered.

CRACKED SLIP OFF YOUR SHOES AND ON WITH THE SLIPPERS. When visiting a Japanese home, it is important to leave your shoes in the genkan and put on the slippers provided. When using the restroom, you will be given special toilet slippers to wear.

Independent / Nippon 

The perfect way to show your displeasure: flip ‘em the sole.

CRACKED DON'T GET MAD, GET EVEN - SHOW 'EM THE SOLE. Showing the sole of your shoe has long been an insult in Arab culture.

Telegraph / Pexels 

Korean Greetings

CRACKED GREET KOREAN FRIENDS WITH A HANDSHAKE - BUT NO POCKETS. Shaking hands is a common form of greeting in Korea, however it is considered disrespectful to put one's hand in their pocket while doing so.


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