29 Famous People Who Got Busted in Lies

What unites all of the celebrities on this list? Given the headline, you’ve probably already got a pretty good guess: They all said something that wasn't true and got busted for it. There are lies of all shapes and sizes here. Some are said to save face and attempt to avoid embarrassment. Some are said in the hopes of landing a job. And some are said merely as good-natured trolling. Whatever the case may be, here are 29 famous people who got in trouble for telling a lie…
Terrence Howard

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Ben Affleck

50 Cent

Eddie Redmayne

Haruko Obokata

P. Diddy

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Robin Thicke

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Lindsay Lohan

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Mike Daisey

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Robert Pattinson

Mila Kunis

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Joaquin Phoenix

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Meg White and Jack White

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Rick Ross

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Tori Spelling

Todd Latourrette

Jennifer Lawrence

Scarlett Johansson

Jim Morrison

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Khloe Kardashian

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With

Vin Diesel

Steve Rannazzisi

Tyrese Gibson

Manti Te’o

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Scott Thompson

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Brian Dennehy

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With
Bill O’Reilly

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With