25 Head-Spinning News Stories That Could Only Happen In 2022

What is the most fascinating thing you can imagine? I enjoy this list of interesting facts about various topics, and I'm sure you'll find the same enjoyment here. I've heard the expression “curiosity killed the cat” a few times over, so I will begin by saying that my curiosity has not killed any cats. I began this project for my own enjoyment, and then thought others might enjoy it. The list was born from my own personal interests, and I'm hoping others will find it as amusing as I do. I enjoy this list of interesting facts so much that I hope to keep adding to it. Feel free to post suggestions for topics to add to the list to me. If you have an interesting fact that you would like to share, please post about it. It's likely that others would find this fact just as interesting as I do. Thank you.
Dolly Parton launches 'Doggy Parton' pet apparel line.


Milpitas Unified Asks Parents to Open Homes to Teachers.

People buying whipped cream in New York are being asked to show I.D.

Pregnant Texas woman who claimed her unborn baby counts as a passenger in HOV lane is ticketed again.

Lea Michele says of course she can read, she was on Glee.

People are getting their semen turned into jewelry.

Burglar in box caught after Livingston Parish dental heist.

Woman with no fingerprints can finally volunteer.

Man breaks Guinness World Record riding in a pumpkin.

Woman Tries To Beat DUI Test By Irish Folk Dancing And Fails.

Scientists mourn loss of California's best-known whale.

An "unusual smell" on a plane at a North Carolina airport turned out to be nail polish.

Japanese monkey-hunting team shoots woman with tranquilizer dart.

A mint condition Mickey Mantle baseball card sold for $12.6 million.

Woman claims God gave her an STD and says it is a ‘blessing.’

Winnipeg mayoral candidate gets bike stolen 85 minutes after promising to reduce bike theft.

North Highlands food bank being evicted due to landlord feeling it attracts homeless.

Gang of turkeys attacks B.C. man, breaking both his hips and a finger.

Shaun the Sheep is going to be the first European going to the Moon.

Britons need to be ‘less squeamish’ about drinking water from sewage, says agency head.

A pilot threatened to turn the plane around if passengers didn't stop AirDropping nudes to each other.

Cristiano Ronaldo statue's penis becoming worn out because of so many tourists grabbing it.

A man allegedly tried to 'purchase' young girl from parents for $100,000 at grocery store.

J.K. Rowling's new book, about a transphobe who faces wrath online, raises eyebrows.