10 Seinfeld Moments That Haven’t Aged Well

In my early years, I was never fond of the word ‘stupendous’. It has always been one of those words that conjures up an image of the sort of thing a teacher would use to make you enjoy a boring list. It's the sort of word that makes you think that the writer is trying to sound impressive, but is also a bit patronising, and maybe even a bit racist. When I was very young, I did not like being patronised or thought of as racist. I liked to be told I was brilliant, though. So I found myself constantly rejecting the word ‘stupendous’. My mother told me that I was a smart kid, that she could tell that I had a good brain, that I would grow up to be a great person. I told her that she was right, and that I also really was going to enjoy this list of interesting facts.
The Braless Wonder

Jerry Drugs His Girlfriend

The Gang Are Peeping Toms

The Salad

The Cigar Store Indian

Jerry And George Oogle An Underage Girl

The Gun

Stomping The Puerto Rican Flag

Elaine Doesn’t Know Her Boyfriend’s Race

Elaine Tries To Convert A Gay Man