17 Head-Scratching Quotes Uttered By Celebrities

“Celebrities are the philosophers of our day,” said no one ever. While that statement isn’t true, some folks still believe it, whether it is the fans of celebs or the celebs themselves. Whether you believe it or not, it doesn’t change the fact that for some reason our journalists go to celebrities for their opinion and wisdom… or lack thereof.
Sure, we understand that sometimes some stuff is said to promote and hype up a movie or a TV show or a book or whatever product they wish to advertise to the general public at large. But it’s another thing to willingly spurt out some nonsense or goofy falsehood or yikes-take or just plain weird thing into a microphone or a tweet that’s shared with all of Earth.
Here are some of the most confusing, odd, weird, dumb, surprising, and otherwise head-scratching quotes actually uttered by celebrities you know and (maybe) love.
Mike Tyson

Brooke Shields

Sienna Miller

Craig T. Nelson

Sylvester Stallone

Shaquille O'Neal

Robert Downey Jr.

Katy Perry


Sarah Jessica Parker

Adam Levine


Jim Carrey

Justin Bieber

David Beckham

Ashton Kutcher

Paris Hilton