By The Numbers: 11 Facts About the NRA

Don't take our word for it. Take these numbers.
By The Numbers: 11 Facts About the NRA

In the United States, we have a problem. Depending on who you talk to, maybe the problem is mental health or video games or…doors? But horrifying mass shootings only happen at this disturbing rate in the United States, despite other countries having mental health problems, violent video games, and even…gasp…fully functional doors. The difference is (obviously) guns.

The National Rifle Association is a gun advocacy group that really goes out of its way to prove nonprofits on a whole get too good of rap. They financially lead the charge of the gun lobby. We’ve addressed the often underreported depths that the NRA has sunk to, multiple times.  Their views on gun ownership (everyone gets one!) aren’t reflective of most Americans, or even the majority of gun-owning Republican Americans. Still, they are thought to hold disproportionate political sway…even after attempting to file bankruptcy in 2021. 

Don’t just take our word for it, take these numbers.

The N.R.A. spent $250 million in 2020

The N.R.A. spent $250 million in 2020. BBC says this is far more than all the country's gun control advocacy groups put together.

Source: BBC

The membership is estimated to be between 3 to 5 million people.

The membership is estimated to be between 3 to 5 million people. The NRA claimed that membership numbers soared after the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.

Source: BBC

The N.R.A. spends at least $3 million per year to influence gun policy

The N.R.A. spends at least $3 million per year to influence gun policy. UNDREDS DB207922820 TERMA HUNDREDS DB2079228 02 $10,000 OREDS The number only includes contributions to lawmakers. PACs and independent contributions cannot be accounted for.

Source: BBC

Texas congresspeople have received over $14 million from gun lobbyists

Texas congresspeople have received over $14 million from gun lobbyists Current Texas representatives of the 117th Congress have received millions from the NRA over the course of their careers. The NRA spent more on state-level lobbying in Texas than any other state.

Source: OpenSecrets

Mitt Romney received over $13.6 million from the NRA

Mitt Romney received over $13.6 million from the NRA INDI Mitt Romney's career total (including NRA presidential spending when he was a candidate) is the highest. Roy Blunt has received $4.6 million, Rob Portman $3.1 million, and Marco Rubio $3.3 million, to name a few.

Source: New York Times

77% of NRA members are Republican

77% of NRA members are Republican 3 in 10 adults in the U.S. say they own a gun, with all gun owners leaning 61% Republican.

Source: PEW

The majority of both Republicans and Democrats favor forms of gun control

The majority of both Republicans and Democrats favor forms of gun control 81% of Americans want background checks at gun shows and 87% want to prevent people with mental illnesses from purchasing guns.

Source: PEW

44% of Americans personally know someone who has been shot

44% of Americans personally know someone who has been shot Although only 19% of American gun owners belong to the NRA, firearm-related injuries drop by 20% nationally and 68% within the state during NRA conventions.

Source: Reuters and PEW

In the U.S., there's more than one gun for every adult.

In the U.S., there's more than one gun for every adult. Americans own an estimated 265 million to 300 million guns. The 2020 census lists 258.3 million adults.

Source: Reuters

If NRA supporters give more than $1,500 they can receive a gun.

If NRA supporters give more than $1,500 they can receive a gun. The NRA runs a separate 501 (c)(3) TRUST called the NRA Foundation. It can't legally lobby, but it can give away firearms. In 2021, it had over $140 million in assets.

Source: CNBC

52% of NRA members own more than five guns.

52% of NRA members own more than five guns. 38% of American gun owners who are not members say they only own one gun.

Source: PEW


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