15 Unusual Facts That They Didn’t Teach Us About In School

"I don't know whether you'll like this or not... I mean I can tell by your face that it won't be to your taste. But I think you're going to want to read it anyway. I was talking to an old lady at my doctor's last week. She said that when she was in school her favorite teacher always had something interesting to say about the day. 'Today,' she said, 'the weather forecast is for fog. If it clears up later it will be cloudy.' It got me thinking...What do people actually need? Do they just have these little daily forecasts? I mean what if we gave people the real news of their lives? For instance, there's this woman down the street—she's got a new boyfriend, he's a doctor and makes $160,000 a year."
That's what my mother-in-law said last Thanksgiving dinner, and I longed for anything, anything at all, to break up the monotony. Suddenly, my gaze landed on an article listing 15 surprising facts. I read them with the eagerness of a man stumbling into an oasis after wandering the desert for days, and I can still recall them word-for-word. This is what they said:
Lots of real corn was grown for “Interstellar.”

“Toy Story 2” was ok, but it could have been destroyed.

$5 well spent by Ben and Jerry.


Lip impressions are like fingerprints.

Peanut Butter

The Civil War

Huge “elephant birds” ruled Madagascar until extremely recently.

The first country to give women the right to vote was New Zealand.

O-Canada! Land of Eight Hundred Thousand Lakes.

A Viking king helped yuppie d-bags have hands free conversations everywhere.

Organic crops are not any safer than GMOs.

Cows like Mozart, make more milk.

Flamingos have beaks in reverse.