15 Facts About Food, Bugs, and Bugs That Are Food

The place of your birth determines a lot about your life and what you might consider normal. If you grew up on the other side of the planet, would you be the same person? Most likely your beliefs, your language, the food you eat, and the things you truly value would seem alien to this alternate-you. Those things that you consider inseparable to the true you, that define the entirety of your life and the legacy you leave behind, are as fickle as the cosmic star dust that weaves the through fabric of our reality. There is no universal truth that connects us other than the randomness of the universe.
All this is to say that they eat bugs in Colombia, and it’s weird to us because we’ve never had a bug. Ever hear of popcorn? But, to each their own. Keep reading for more deep insights into this crazy thing we call life.
Independence Day

SSource: CNN
Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt were besties.

SSource: Rare
Relative to their size, barnacles hang the biggest brain.

SSource: US National Library of Medicine
America’s first self-made Black woman millionaire sold beauty products.

SSource: History
Taft has a seat just for his double-wide behind at Yale.

Source: Atlas Obscura
Texas had international embassies when it was a sovereign nation.

SSource: George Ranch Historical Park
Dried ants replaced popcorn in Colombia movie theaters.

SSource: The Daily Meal
The original Plant Moms had “fern madness.”

SSource: Historic UK
R. L. Stine wrote jokes for Bazooka Joe.

SSource: NPR

SSource: Angelfire

SSSource: Wired
Hass Avocados

SSSource: LA Times
The guy who invented Pringles cans is buried in one.

SSSource: Time
Strawberries aren’t fruit, they are dozens of fruit on fleshy tissue.

Source: NCSU
Swearing is connected to the emotion center of the brain.

Source: Babbel