12 Strange Phone Numbers You Can Call Right Now

For a good time, call these numbers.
12 Strange Phone Numbers You Can Call Right Now

Your phone can do all sorts of amazing things, but one rarely used feature is the ability to actually make a call. You don’t even need to download an app or anything! To get you started, here’s a dozen numbers you can dial to hear fun and interesting things. They're all in the USA and free to call, aside from any long distance charges.

STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-202-762-1401 60 10 50 7 40 20 5 30 ...to find out precisely what time it is, courtesy of the United States Naval Observatory. CRACKED.COM
STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-508-690-6143 ...to hear some creepy strange noises and weird sounds. It's somehow tied in to the Five Nights at Freddy's video game. CRACKED.COM
STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-909-390-0003 ...to hear everything you say repeated back to you. This is an echo line used to check audio clarity and lag time. CRACKED.COM
STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-914-737-9938 ...to hear an accidentally hilarious New York test announcement message. CRACKED.COM
STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-877-772-7337 ...to hear spooky stories and jokes, courtesy of horror- themed apparel company Creepy Co. CRACKED.COM
STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-505-842-5325 ...to reach the (fictional) Day Spa & Nail from Breaking Bad. CRACKED.COM
STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-505-503-4455 ...to reach the law office of Saul Goodman. You can also leave a message for Saul at 1-505-842-5662 CRACKED.COM
STRANGE PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW Call 1-248-434-5508 WE PROVE HUMOR CAN BE FUNNY !! BUY ME ! CRACKED $1.00 MAZAGINE No. 190 OCTOBER 1982 TO JOIN THE SUPER-SECRET CRACKED COMEDY CLUB JUST CALL 1-248-434-5508 AND ASK FOR SYLVESTER P. SMYTHE. ...for Cracked's extra special super-secret humor, astrology and true love phone line connection! America's only comedy hotline, since 1958.
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