Movies & TV: 13 Subtle Tributes To Iconic Creators In Major Movies

Movies & TV: 13 Subtle Tributes To Iconic Creators In Major Movies

Sometimes, minor on-screen details hide Easter eggs that are actually homages to the person who made the thing you're watching (or something closely related). For example ...

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse pays homage to Steve Ditko. There's a contact on Miles' phone that's labeled S. Ditko, which is pretty clearly an homage to the Spider-Man co-creator. CRACKED.COM


Batman V Superman

Batman V Superman has a really, really well-hidden homage to Joe Shuster. Shuster is the co-creator of Superman, and was born in Ontario - and, at one point in the movie, there's a broken window and the hole in the window looks like Ontario. This was confirmed to be an intentional Easter CRAegg.OM



Ant-Man kind of paid tribute to legendary Marvel artist Jack Kirby. Kurby When Ant-Man is shrunk down to tiny size, he gets sucked into a vacuum with Kirby branding (and also featuring an Omega symbol - Kirby's creation Darkseid is a character that often uses the Omega symbol).OM


Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home has an homage to Spider-Man's co-creator. Artist Steve Ditko co-created both Spider Man and Doctor Strange, plus all the villains in the movie - and, when Peter and MJ are chilling on the roof of the school, a graffiti behind them says DITKO. CRACKED.COM


Suicide Squad

The original Suicide Squad movie paid homage to one of its creators. John F. Ostrander FEDERAL BUILDING NORTON ST. ENTRANCE DC writer John Ostrander kind of popularized the Suicide Squad in '80s and '90s comics, and the movie features a John F. Ostrander Federal Building. CRACKED.COM


Cobra Kai

The Kamen Estates Wines in Cobra Kai season 4 is kind of an homage. KAMEN Silver kicks a bottle from Kamen Estates in his cellar at the end of the season's first episode - and that's a real vineyard, that happens to be owned by The Karate Kid screenwriter Robert Mark Kamen. CRACKED.COM


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