Cracked VS: T. rex vs. SWAT Team

Clash of the deadly forces you definitely don't want anywhere near your house (feat. Steven Seagal).
Cracked VS: T. rex vs. SWAT Team

A complete SWAT force or a Tyrannosaurus -- which one would you be more scared to see out of your window? Whatever your answer to that is, our question is much deeper and meaningful -- who would win in a fight? Hopefully no one gets chomped on/gets an assault rifle put on their face as we try to answer that.

CRACKED vs T. rex vs. SWAT team SWAT vs. T. rex is a showdown for the (geological) ages. Dinosaurs and soldier-like cops, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution. How can we have the slightest idea who would kick the other's butt? Let's try to find out.
CRACKED vs T. rex vs. SWAT team This all looks like plain police overreach and excessive force. Now it sounds like you are yourself harboring a T. rex. A SWAT team has already been dispatched to deal with the situation. Stay put or you'll be charged with resisting arrest and obstructing justice. AND DON'T TRY TO HELP THE DINOSAUR.
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