13 Of The Oldest People Guess How They Lived So Long
What's the secret to longevity?

If there’s one thing we learned while researching some of the oldest people to have ever lived, it’s that there’s really no rhyme or reason. Genetics? Some people had relatives who lived a long time, but others had a lot of families that died tragically young. Diet? Definitely no similarities there. Healthy habits? Sometimes, but some were life-long smokers. Two people cite hard work…but that can’t be right. It all seems like luck, but try to see discover their secrets for yourself.

Source: BBC

Source: BBC

Source: LA Times

Source: New York Times

Source: BBC

Source: BBC
Long Lives

Source: ABC.net

Source: New York Times

Source: Slate

Source: Washington Post

Source: CNN
Sarah Knauss

Source: BBC

Source: New York Times