30 Bonkers Historical Facts Your Social Studies Teacher Neglected to Mention

War is hellarious
30 Bonkers Historical Facts Your Social Studies Teacher Neglected to Mention

We live in a world where a baboon enlisted in the South African army. So why in the hell did we spend so much time memorizing every American vice president???

400, 000 Muslims fought for Britain in WWI. CRACKED.COM Britain's Indian troops also included 800,0 Hindus and 100, 000 Sikhs, but the Muslim contribution surprised modern Brits the most, when they learned it during the war's recent centenary.

Source: BBC

The Three Popes POPE VS ANTIPOPE TIT! CRACKED.C When a pope returned the papacy to Rome from France, the French elected a pope of their own. Then the cardinals elected a third, but the other two refused to step down.

Source: BBC

D-Day was more a British operation than American. CRACKED Eisenhower commanded Allied forces, but D-Day had 892 British warships and only 200 American ones, 800 British planes to 400 American ones, 113,0 000 British naval men to 53,000 Americans.

Source: CNN

CHINA lost 20 million people to World War II. CRACKED.COM Russia's loss is often overlooked, but China's is far more overlooked and is nearly as big. China's civilian toll, at 16 million, was even more than Russia's.

Source: CNN

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