15 Weird And Bad Facts, And One About Cute Piggies

Add "jet-setting across the globe as a beloved athlete" to the list of reasons we're jealous of pigs.
15 Weird And Bad Facts, And One About Cute Piggies

If you think it's too stupid that in every Jurassic Park film, some military guy wants to use dinosaurs to fight wars, then you're not prepared to hear about the anti-tank dogs. If you're brave enough, read on below:

There are Pig Olympics were pig-letes compete all over the world. CRACKED These specially trained and bred piglets take part in competitions organized by the Sport-Pig Federation, and get to breed the next generation of oink-lympians. From China, to Moscow, the pigs take part in events like pig-racing, swimming, and a soccer-like game called pigball.

Source: BBC 

The BBC aired a hoax in 1957 showing spaghetti growing from trees. CRACKED.COM On April Fools' Day in 1957, the BBC program Panorama aired a three-minute report on supposed spaghetti trees being harvested in Switzerland. At this time, the UK wasn't super familiar with spaghetti, so people trusted the accuracy of the program, and began calling in for advice on how to start their own spaghetti trees.

Source: CNN

O.J. Simpson was nearly cast as the Terminator, but James Cameron couldn't see him as a killing machine. CRACKED.COM Mike Medavoy ran Orion films when The Terminator was being cast, and thought he was going to blow James Cameron away by suggesting to cast NFL Hall of Famer O.J. Simpson as the T-800. Cameron never entertained the idea of Simpson as the Terminator, since he couldn't see O.J. as a cold and ruthless killer.

Source: EW

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