15 Trivia Branches On The Tree Of Knowledge

Our world is a beautiful place, full of lush meadows and towering mountains and mighty rivers and vast oceans. It's also an absolutely crazy nutso-mindjob of place full of history, which, as far as we can tell, is a hit-or-miss subject. On top of all that, you add human beings, who went and made the evolutionary mistake of developing consciousness and society, and, well, some truly bizarre things emerged.
You know some guy went to jail for libeling a Pixar movie? You know how impossible it is to guess which one? And look, this isn't InfoWars, but you know there must be some global conspiracy when not one but TWO dentists create a quick and easy way to spin pure sugar into a treat that children and adults alike will happily shovel into their rotting mouths. We've got all that and plenty…checks notes…exactly 13 more things that are weird to contemplate:

The McRib

Old-Timey Robbers