14 Of The Weirdest Stuff That Washed Ashore

From the talking llamas of Peru to the boiling lakes of Dominica, our planet is full of strange and wonderful sights. But beneath its surface, there are even more bizarre things going on. For example, did you know that there is a river in Turkey that runs red with iron oxide? Or that scientists have found bacteria that thrive in extremely hot environments? These are just a few examples of the many weird and wonderful things that can be found on Earth. So next time you're feeling down about life, just remember that there's a world out there full of weird and wonderful things, and you're part of it!
Mankind can't quit mucking up the Earth. From bath toys to cigarettes, to just like a BUNCH of body parts, the oceans are slowly rejecting all of our garbage and sending it back in a big, plastic middle finger. Whales are gross, too, so some of the blame goes to them as well.

Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Source: Siberian Times

Source: BBC

Source: NPR

Source: Reuters

Source: Daily Mail

Source: Live Science

Source: Daily Mail

Source: Smithsonian Institute Archives

Source: Joint Base Charleston

Source: Tampa Bay Times

Source: Independent
World War II

Source: Daily Mail

Source: Reuters