13 Loopy Facts About Theme Parks Around The World

Disney World was just a tiny part of Walt’s original, megalomaniacal plans.
13 Loopy Facts About Theme Parks Around The World

Sure, Disney World is an ultra-famous destination -- but Walt originally intended it to be just an add-on to the utopian town he was building. Here’s the full story, plus 12 others:

Ireland has a theme park dedicated to a very popular potato chip brand. The brand is Tayto (really big in Ireland), and it offers activities including making potato chip sandwiches (which, also, are very popular in Ireland). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: PRI

Lithuania has a truly harrowing socialist-era theme park (of sorts, anyway). 306 PHTWLIEECKA9 CTPE AKOBAO AURW3W9 (illustration)/ 1984: Survival Drama in a Soviet Bunker is a three-hour experience that lives up to its name. At least one person faints every time (the record is 5 people). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
Disney World totally changed its disability policy (in response to abuse). It used to allow disabled people to go to the front of lines but disabled tour guides would take abled guests with them (charging hundreds of $ for it). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: NBC

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