13 Fascinating Bits Of Trivia To Make You Sound Super Smart

Intelligence is a coveted, rare trait that apparently seems to be a rarer trait over time. Being smart can provide several advantages in life. It can help you solve problems or have a rich imagination to help pass the times. Becoming intelligent takes a lot of time, effort, and diligence. But what is more important than being smart is appearing smart.
Showing signs of intelligence can be just as beneficial rather than being actually intelligent. If you can show off your brains to others, they'll be more receptive to you as a friend, a lover, or a business partner. You can win over several people with just having enough knowledge to regurgitate onto them and keep them in your thrall. You're popular and interesting. Let us help you.
Here are some bits of trivia you can share to get started on the road to appearing intelligent and we won't narc on you:

Source: Delish

Source: Cosmopolitan

Source: 247sports.com

Source: Outsider

Source: Vox

Source: GlamourDaze

Source: 99percentinvisible

Source: This American Life

Source: Atlas Obscura

Source: Connecticut History

Source: Buffalo Rising

Source: UCTV

Source: Mental Floss