13 Surprising (And Intriguing) Facts To Level Up On Interestingness

Sometimes we like to think of life like a role playing game. We all have our own individual stats…health, intelligence, charisma, wisdom. There's things we can do increase our attributes and level up as human beings. It's not a flawless analogy, but it's at least a little true.
No one is saying you're dull, but what if you could level up how interesting you were? What if you didn't have to learn an obscure language, join the french foreign legion or marry the heiress to a haunted mansion? What if all you had to was read this article and learn some surprising and intriguing facts.
For example, did you know that thirteen years old, Phil Collins was an extra in Hard Days Night? He's features ad as one of the fans in the final scene.
Did you know that adding iodine to our diets literally boosted IQ scores? No?
Well, here’s the full story, plus 12 others:

Source: CheatSheet

Source: The Guardian

Source: MeTV

Source: USAToday

Source: Food And Power

Source: The National Museum of Denmark

Source: Architizer

Source: abc.net.au

Source: NHPR

Source: Space.com

Source: TechWireAsia

Source: The Drive

Source: People