13 Not-So-Magical Facts About The Wonderful World Of Disney

Disneyland isn't just the happiest place on earth, it's also full of lead! That and other not-so-magical Disney facts that will ruin your next Dole whip.
13 Not-So-Magical Facts About The Wonderful World Of Disney

Turns out the world's largest media conglomerate has some shady stuff going on behind the scenes, who knew! 

Has Disney created some of the biggest hits of family friendly cinema that have gained worldwide renown and popularity? Why, yes. Has it created some of the most beloved characters and plot lines of all time? Again, yes. Is it also a ruthless nostalgia factory that pumps out endless streams of propoganda? Okay, maybe kind of.

The truth is, there is a dark and undeniably strange side to Disney. We dug up more than a dozen facts about Disney that are slightly less than magical.

For example did you know that long haired men were denied entry to the park before 1970? The rule was relaxed after a band of hippies staged a coup of Tom Sawyer island.

Here are 13 not so magical things about Disney that will have you demanding Walt's frozen head on a platter:


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