Honest Headlines: 15 Titles With A Twist

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Honest Headlines: 15 Titles With A Twist

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Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Pesky humans Under presssure, company cancels living on Tennessee pipeline valuable land ruin everything By ADRIAN SAINZ yesterday By ADRIAN SAINZ yesterday MEMPHIS, Tenn (AP) Environmentalists and activists MEMPHIS. Tenn (AP) Environmentalists and activists claimed victory Saturday after a company canceled plans to claimed victory Saturday after a company canceled plans to build an oil pipeline through southwest Tennessee and north build an oil pipeline through southwest Tennessee an Mississippi, and over an aquifer that prow drinki Mississippi, and over an aquifer that provides drink to 1 million people. to

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen 50 from years after his death, fans honor Jim Most insufferable guy Morrison in Paris your freshman dorm is in Paris By DEBORAH GOUFFRAN and SYLVIE CORBET yesterday By DEBORAH GOUFFRAN and SYLVIE CORBET yesterday PARIS (AP)- Paris on Saturday was the only place to be for PARIS (AP) Paris on Saturday was the only place to be for die -hard Jim Morrison fans. die -hard Jim Morrison fans. Fifty years after his death at age 27, rock music lovers from Fifty years after his death at from

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Joey Chestnut sets new record at post- I'm glad that this is back? says pandemic hot dog race spectator, unconfidently 33 minutes 33 ago minutes ago NEW YORK (AP) Chowdown champ Joey Jaws Chestnut broke his own record to gulp to 14th win in the men's Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest on Sunday, while Michelle Lesco took the women's title. Chestnut downed: 76 franks and buns in 10 minutes That's one more than he did in setting the record last year, when the contest tunfolded without fans  because of the coronavirus

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Los Angeles requiring passes measure limiting Los Angeles passes law homeless encampments homeless problem to just fix itself By BRIAN MELLEY July 1.2021 By BRIAN MELLEY July 1,2021 LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Los Angeles City Council passed LOS ANGELES (AP) The Los Angeles City Council passed a sweeping anti -camping measure Thursday to remove a sweeping anti -camping measure Thursday to remove widespread homeless encampments that have become an widespread homeless encampments that have become an eyesore across the city. eyesore across the city. The measure was billed as

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Summer swelter trend: West gets hotter Globe seems to be... days, East hot nights warming??? By SETH BORENSTEIN today By SETH BORENSTEIN today treed increases 1991-2020 temperature trend incresses) Aug 1991-2020 As outlandish as the killer heat wave that struck the Pacific As outlandish as the killer heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest was, it fits into a decades -long pattern of uneven Northwest was. it fits into decades -long pattern of a uneven summer warming across the United States. across the United summer warming States. The West is getting

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Police raids net $54,000 in illegal fireworks Best 4th of july Ever! headed to NYC say NYC dogs yesterday yesterday NEW YORK New York City Police announced Saturday that $54,000 worth of illegal fireworks have been seized in recent weeks, ahead of the Fourth of July holiday. The fireworks were collected in three NYPD Intelligence Bureau operations conducted June and early July involving multiple city offices and the NYC Fireworks Task Force, which includes the New York State Police, New Jersey State Police and the Port Authority Police.

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Migrant kids play, watch TV in what US Welcome to cool jail calls 'model' shelter By AMY TAXIN and JULIE WATSON yesterday By AMY TAXIN and JULIE WATSON yesterday POMONA, Calif. (AP) Teenage boys chased down soccer POMONA, Calif. (AP) Teenage boys chased down soccer balls on grassy fields. Dormitory beds were organized into balls on grassy fields. Dormitory beds were organized into small pods with a TV in each section. Some kids laid on the small pods with a TV in each section. Some kids laid on

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen BYU students launch underground Student journalists get early newspaper taste of censorship By COURTNEY TANNER yesterday By COURTNEY TANNER yesterday SALT LAKE CITY (AP) work for the student newspaper at Brigham Young University, you must first understand what you cannot write about. Students aren't allowed to report anything critical of the school or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- -day Saints, which owns it. That includes any mention of the faith's past support polygamy or segregation that could cause embarrassment now, The Salt Lake Tribune reports. Reporters

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen EXPLAINER: When is the US Can war in you believe this S is Afghanistan really over? still going By ROBERT BURNS and LOLITA c. BALDOR July 2,2021 By ROBERT BURNS and LOLITA C. BALDOR 2,2,2021 WASHINGTON (AP) As the last U.S. combat troops WASHINGTON (AP) - As the last U.S. combat troops prepare to leave Afghanistan, the question arises: When is prepare to leave Afghanistan, the question arises: When is the war really over? the war really over? For Afghans the answer is clear but grim: no time soon. An For Afghans

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP Top Stories Topics Video AP Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Biden deserve'a Teachers underpaid just says teachers raise, not just praise' like everyone else By COLLIN BINKLEY yesterday By COLLIN BINKLEY yesterday nea NATIONAL nea NATIONAL EDUCATION EDUCATION ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION Speaking to the nation's largest teachers union. President Joe Speaking to the nation's largest teachers union, President Joe Biden said Friday that the pandemic has given America's Biden said Friday that the pandemic has given America's parents the ultimate education on the challenges of the parents the ultimate education on the challenges of the teaching profession. But even more, he

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Spelling Bee contestants at risk National Spelling Bee stalwarts persevere of adults through who don't 2-year becoming gap care about spelling bees By BEN NUCKOLS today BSOW VINI INNI iis iii Arani Avani When the Scripps National Spelling Bee was canceled last When the Scripps National Spelling Bee canceled was last year because of the pandemic, Avani Joshi didn't lament her year because of the pandemic, Avani Joshi didn't lament her lost year of f preparation. She immediately pivoted to studying lost year of f preparation. She immediately pivoted to

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Navy ditches futuristic railgun, $705 billion a for eyes year paying hypersonic missiles sci-fi bull#$%! that doesn't work By DAVID SHARP July 1,2021 By DAVID SHARP July 1,2021 BATH, Maine (AP) - The U.S. Navy pulled the plug, for now, BATH, Maine (AP) - The U.S. Navy pulled the plug, for now, on futuristic weapon that fires projectiles at up to seven on a futuristic weapon that fires projectiles at up to seven times the speed of sound using electricity, times the speed of sound using electricity. The Navy spent

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Girl's prayer at collapse site leads to Meeting with Biden probably not meeting with Biden what she was praying for By ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON July 2,2021 By ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON July 2,2021 SURFSIDE. Fla. (AP) - Gazing at the mountain of rubble SURFSIDE, Fla. (AP) Gazing at the mountain of rubble that had buried her father, uncle and dozens of others, buried a 12 that had her father, , uncle and dozens of others, 12 year- -old girl moved away from her relatives. sat down by year- -old girl moved away from her

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP Top Stories Topics AP Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Pope Francis hospitalized for planned Pope about to find out how intestinal surgery much God loves him By FRANCES D'EMILIO 29 minutes ago By FRANCES D'EMILIO 29 minutes ago VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope Francis was hospitalized in VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope Francis was hospitalized in Rome on Sunday afternoon for scheduled surgery on his Rome on Sunday afternoon for scheduled surgery on his large intestine, the Vatican said. The just three news came large intestine, the Vatican said. The news came jue hours after Francis had

Source: AP

Honest Headlines AP AP Top Stories Topics Video Listen Top Stories Topics Video Listen Picasso kept in Maine house closet for 50 Guy really wishing he'd cleaned sold little years is out his closet a earlier July 1.2021 1y 1,2021 '11 AMESBURY,Mass. (AP) A mixed -media painting attributed to Pablo Picasso has been sold after spending s 50 years in closet in house in Maine. John McInnis Auctioneers, based in Massachusetts, confirmed that the painting entitled Le Tricorne sold on Saturday, the Boston Globe reported. The 16 16 inch (40 centimeter) painting is signed and dated in the year 1919. It believed to

Source: AP

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