Weird World: 12 Bizarre Events Almost Nobody Picked Up On

TV news drops the ball. Often. And hard.
While they are clogging the airwaves with stories about political squabbles, changes in weather patterns, car accidents on the freeway, local police assaulting a random person, or a woman who is just mad at a public school accepting a gay kid, there are other stories out there. Stories that are bizarre and more interesting than what you typically see on local news or even 24-hour news networks. Stories that will hold your attention more than a bunch of random anchors still at a coffee table discussing current events while sharing the coldest hot takes since that Burger King breakfast sandwich that you left in your car for two hours.
That's where we come in. We at Cracked compiled a bunch of actually interesting and bizarre stories from around the world to start your day off right. Sure, you won't know what the traffic is like, but you'll at least know this stuff:

Source: The Register

Source: NBC

Source: CTVNews

Source: AP News

Source: The Hill

Source: The Guardian

Source: The Guardian

Source: NBC

Source: Fox5Vegas
Steve Palazzo

Source: Mississippi Clarion-Ledger

Source: CNN

Source: Newsweek