A Grab-Bag Of 13 Intriguing Facts To Help The Day Along

In the ‘40s, the British Navy had a seaman with an insatiable appetite for rats.
A Grab-Bag Of 13 Intriguing Facts To Help The Day Along

Oh, would you look at that? It’s interesting facts o’clock! Yup, right now, at precisely [insert time of reading here] (am/pm). Wow, who would’ve known that the exact time we dispense a handful of fun knowledge sprinkles is the exact time that you’re looking for a nice topping for the sundae that is your day (which may or may not actually be Sunday). That is just the craziest coincidence. Well, we’d better get on with it, yeah? Maybe we ought to whet your appetite a little bit first? Okay, sure, here, we got you. How about this morsel from the following list: When a British warship wanted to reward a cat for killing rats like a champ (and saving their food supply), they officially gave him a promotion. Oh, yeah that probably did it. Here’s the full story, plus 14 others to get you through another bathroom break at work.

Elephants are the only non-primate land animals that can copy sounds. Researchers think they probably use that ability to strengthen bonds among themselves by copying each others' vocalizations. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

According to the American Dental Association, soft-bristled toothbrushes are the way to go. Those are the only toothbrushes the ADA recommends -- - despite their advantages, medium bristles can wear away at your gums. CRACKED.COM

Source: ADA

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