Fake Comedy is Hard: 12 Unbearably Bland Movie Stand-Ups

Stand-up comedy is very, very hard. It takes most people years of hoisting themselves up on stage in front of a bunch of usually drunk chuckleheads to really get a handle on the craft. And then there's the whole thing about why it's always so cold in comedy clubs. So yeah, it's not like you just warp your way to funny in a heartbeat.
And no where is it more clear, actually, just how hard stand-up comedy is than in the movies. You'd think with writers and trained actors portraying comedians that it'd be a slam dunk, but it's exactly the opposite. Yes, not even Tinsel Town can pull it off, apparently.
Even our funniest actors have a hard time pulling off onscreen stand-up comedy. The jokes often fall flat, especially when the ‘audience’ goes nuts over the supposed gut-busters. Here are 12 cinematic stand-ups who come off more hacky than hilarious. So scroll on down to check out some unbearably bland movie stand ups…

Albert Brooks