At A Glance: 14 Carrie Fisher Facts Because, Hey, Who Doesn't Like Her?

Life is fully of difficulties, and developing a personality is hard. But everyone once in a while, a person comes along who is just beautifully their truest self that we can't help but sit back and marvel at (with a twinge of envy). You know, the types of self-assured, swaggering badasses like Han Solo or Lando Calrissian. OR! A non-fictional person, like Carrie Fisher.
Princess Leia caught our eye, but Carrie Fisher stole our hearts. It takes a lot to somehow be more interesting in Earth-life than as an alien princess with Force powers. She punched up more scripts than IMDB will ever give her credit for, she was never afraid to talk shit, and she was a mental health advocate. She was outspoken, eccentric, and downright witty. We can't say enough nice things about Carrie Fisher, is what we're, um, saying. Here are 14 better ways to remember Carrie Fisher than from that gold bikini.

Source: Wishful Drinking

Source: New York Times
Carrie Fisher

Source: Wishful Drinking

Source: Wishful Drinking

Source: Wishful Drinking

Source: Wishful Drinking

Source: Indy Star
Ringo Would Probably Like to Nuke This

Source: YouTube
Carrie Fisher

Source: BBC

Source: People

Source: SFist
Carrie Fisher

Source: The Mary Sue
Carrie Fisher

Source: IGN

Source: Rolling Stone