13 Awesomely Badass Now-You-Know Facts About Lions

It’d take 25 lawnmowers to drown out a lion’s roar.
13 Awesomely Badass Now-You-Know Facts About Lions

Chances are, you didn’t know just how amazingly badass lions actually are. If so, we’ve come up with 13 facts to help correct that:

The color of a lion's mane indicates his testosterone level. The darker the mane, the higher the lion's testosterone -- and the better his health is likely to be, and the more attractive he is to female lions. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

In 1999, lions fought a two-week war with hyenas in Ethiopia. A pride of lions lost six, but killed 35 hyenas and drove off the entire group to take control of the territory -- a conflict that was broadcast on Ethiopian TV and monitored by the police. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

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