12 Incredibly Weird Yet Real Recent Headlines

Sometimes, zookeeping is a profession that calls for surprising audacity.
12 Incredibly Weird Yet Real Recent Headlines

When a wolf died in a zoo in central China, they weren’t ready to just leave its enclosure empty. No -- they salvaged the situation with truly unexpected ingenuity. Here’s the full story, plus 11 others:

A truck with the slogan YOU can do it' got stuck under an Oxfordshire bridge. LOW BRIDGE 4.5m 1550 You can do it PRIDRR O MISSONSE INIT Apparently, the driver tried to reverse, but it turned out he couldn't. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

A ZOO in China tried to present a dog as a wolf. BTV Ssh JEAILL Ri I Apparently, the zoo's wolf died of old age, so they just put a rottweiler in the enclosure instead.

Source: BBC

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