29 Behind-The-Scenes Trivia About 'Romeo + Juliet'

Romeo + Juliet is one of the most widely adapted stories of all time. There's something about the Shakespearian tale that really does transcend time, culture and medium in an amazing way.
Of all the different adaptations of the play, though, one stands out the most to us: the 90's ‘Romeo and Juliet’ film.
If you were a teenager in the ‘90s, chances are good that you were at least somewhat influenced by this iconic post-grunge movie. Or maybe you were influenced a lot - maybe so much so that you adorned yourself with silver and/or neon crosses, and had the 1996 Romeo + Juliet soundtrack picking up scratches in your CD Walkman. We refuse to believe it was just us. Sure, we drew the line at those Hawaiian shirts. At least, some of us did.
Anyway, this movie made parents gasp, teens horny, and caused an entire generation to become insufferable by randomly yelling, “A plague on both your houses!”
We regret nothing.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo and Juliet