21 Things We Can't Believe You Can Legally Own
‘A flamethrower’

There are advantages and drawbacks to living in the good old U.S. of A. Sure, our social safety net has whale-size holes, but you can get a giant box of any kind of cereal you want at any time of the day or night. The gun violence situation is pretty intense, but at least the taxes are moderate. We’re probably going to destroy the planet with our car-centric infrastructure, but you can own a flamethrower.
In fact, thanks to worryingly lax federal regulations and toothless local laws, there’s all kinds of stuff you absolutely shouldn’t be able to buy that’s only a click away, thanks to the cry of the bald eagle. This reality is no doubt what inspired user TimeTravelingMouse to ask r/AskReddit, “What’s the craziest item that is legal to own?”