20 Facts That Will Turn Your Brain Inside Out

The world is a weird, wild place, and we don’t even know how much. We’ve only explored an infinitesimal fraction of a percent of it; even most of our own oceans are complete question marks to us. Of all the stuff we do know is there, we can only sense a limited spectrum of it. Reality might look like a rave thrown by Salvador Dalí to a creature who could perceive all of it, and we’d never know.
It’s a real brain trip, and just the kind of thing user killrage wanted when they posted to r/AskReddit. “I’m talking about ‘poop my pants, jaw droppingly, this changes everything’ kinda stuff,” they wrote. “Could be anything; sad, scary, funny. I want all the things!”
They then asked, “Reddit, what is the craziest fact that you know?” and as requested, Reddit proceeded to provide all sorts of poop-my-pants, jaw-droppingly, this-changes-everything kinda stuff.