20 Normal American Behaviors That Are Hella Weird in Other Countries

Americans tend to consider ourselves the global default, and to be fair, we do have some reason to believe that. Everyone watches our movies and TV shows, we can probably find someone who speaks our language with relative ease in just about every country, and we’re almost never more than a moderate hike from a McDonald’s. Honestly, we’re spoiled.
In fact, we’re so spoiled that we don’t realize a lot of behaviors that are considered perfectly normal back home will get us shunned or possibly jailed in other countries. Okay, that’s probably an exaggeration, but you’ll definitely get at least a side-eye even in the more polite countries for doing things we wouldn’t think twice about.
To save us the embarrassment, user asdfsfs22 asked r/AskReddit, “What are some weird things Americans do that are considered weird or taboo in your country?”