12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince

How will the kingdom fare under their rule?
12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince

We all know the classic frog-curse arrangement. Kiss one and bing-bang-boom, youre looking at a full-size prince. Now, if I had to predict the kind of prince that would come out of each of these frogs, heres my best guess…

Overly Relaxed

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


Entirely too happy-go-lucky. Will be killed by enemies of his father within days of his reappearance.

Child Prince

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


You're going to feel real weird when this frog turns into a 11-year-old child prince. He'll also most likely die if not returned immediately due to having less than zero real-life skills.

Child Prince (Inbred)

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


Turns out he changed shaped but kept the jaundiced tone. Hes going to be the latest of a VERY long royal line, complete with hip dysplasia and an open fontanelle.

A Glorious Warrior

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


This is going to be a warrior prince that ends up on an unbelievable number of tapestries and uses a weapon that becomes famous in its own right, Excalibur style. Hell never take the throne though, simply because he loves the thrill of combat too much to ever give up the battlefield.

Conniving Frog

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


This prince is not, in fact, first in line to the throne. Though hell use his extensive knowledge of poisons to change that, if given the chance.

Stuck-Up, Fancy Frog

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


You know the human versions coming out with frills and wrist ruffles. Hes never had a food not filled with cream and will die by guillotine.

Occult Frog

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


This prince has 100 percent dabbled in the dark arts. He most likely turned himself into a frog, messing with forces that are best left alone. He seeks to bring a fiery age to the world.

Frog Prophet

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


This prince has magic powers as well, but much more positive ones for his people. He clearly has some level of second sight, and his prophecies will protect his kingdom from destruction for ages after his death.

Paranoid Frog

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


This prince is absolutely terrified of being assassinated, despite the fact that nobody really has a problem with him. Hes having his servants taste his every meal twice and travels only by night. Historians will later wonder if he had untreated schizophrenia.

Gross King

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


An absolute lech. Hes always going to be walking out of his bedchambers, slick with sweat, rebuttoning his royal vestments. His poor wife will run the entire country and get no credit for it.

Unprepared Frog

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


This prince has spent the most time as a frog, to the point where he really has no idea how to be a king. He knows his advisers are making 99 percent of the decisions behind the scenes, but hes happy to coast into an average place in the history books.

The Greatest Ever

12 Frogs and What I Think Their Vibe Would Be If They Turned Into a Prince


Absolute legend. An incredible, wise king that they will sing songs of and speak the name of with respect, well into the modern day.


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