20 Movies So Good That People Don’t Care If They’re Historically Accurate

When we go out to see a movie, even one purportedly based on real events, we know we’re going to have to suspend a certain level of disbelief. After all, have you ever met a historian you would describe as the life of the party? We’re gonna go out on a limb and guess no. So filmmakers have to spice it up a little. Sometimes, they have to spice it up a lot. Sometimes, Henry VIII is going to Mars, and you are going to suck it up.
That’s usually a bummer, especially if you’re one of those boring historians or just an avid reader of Wikipedia. It really takes you out of the story when you know that people in Henry VIII’s time didn’t even know what oxygen was, let alone how to build a functional spacesuit.
On the other hand, sometimes the movie is so good that it doesn’t matter. You’re watching Henry destroy those space ghosts with his lightsaber, and you couldn’t care less that it makes zero sense. There are movies that actually exist that make people feel that way. They listed them all when user Agreeable-Beach-3009 asked r/AskReddit, “What’s a historically inaccurate movie that gets a pass because of how good it is?”