20 Movies So Good That People Don’t Care If They’re Historically Accurate

‘Marie Antoinette’ is about the vibes
20 Movies So Good That People Don’t Care If They’re Historically Accurate

When we go out to see a movie, even one purportedly based on real events, we know we’re going to have to suspend a certain level of disbelief. After all, have you ever met a historian you would describe as the life of the party? We’re gonna go out on a limb and guess no. So filmmakers have to spice it up a little. Sometimes, they have to spice it up a lot. Sometimes, Henry VIII is going to Mars, and you are going to suck it up.

That’s usually a bummer, especially if you’re one of those boring historians or just an avid reader of Wikipedia. It really takes you out of the story when you know that people in Henry VIII’s time didn’t even know what oxygen was, let alone how to build a functional spacesuit.

On the other hand, sometimes the movie is so good that it doesn’t matter. You’re watching Henry destroy those space ghosts with his lightsaber, and you couldn’t care less that it makes zero sense. There are movies that actually exist that make people feel that way. They listed them all when user Agreeable-Beach-3009 asked r/AskReddit, “What’s a historically inaccurate movie that gets a pass because of how good it is?”

Kiriuu . 1y ago Mulan (1998) nothing about it was accurate but the music and mushu is why I watch it
Neko_Metal 1y ago Marie Antoinette (2006). The movie isn't even that great, but you watch for the vibes
viridianvenus 1y ago The Greatest Showman makes PT Barnum look like a better person than he was in real life.
3loodwolf117 1y ago Most of the dinosaurs you see in Jurassic Park are actually from the Cretaceous Period
SilverFox_0613 1y ago Hacksaw ridge. Normally in war movies they exaggerate things to increase the action, but for this one they had to downplay and remove stuff Desmond did to make the movie more believable
black-birdsong 1y ago Probably Elizabeth (1998, about Queen Elizabeth I with Cate Blanchett). I just love it. The acting, the writing, the score. Chef's kiss.
villettegirl 1y ago Shakespeare in Love is a hot pile of steaming bullshit, but it somehow beat Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture.
wi11iam26 1y ago Goodfellas. Probably in my top 3-5 all time favorite movies. Michael Franzese breaks it down on his YouTube channel. If you're into that life, his channel is really entertaining. Anyway, he goes into detail about how Henry Hill was not quite what the movie made him out to be.
Lieutenant_Skittles 1y ago Gangs of New York. Historically accurate setting, costumes and some characters/gangs, but the plot and the events supporting it are largely fictional. Damn good movie though.
Zeabos 1y ago The Imitation Game. This one fits the bill because it's supposed to be more historically accurate than most, and there are absolutely lots of accurate things in the film. But tons of it is completely incorrect and really makes some dudes look way worse than they were. Still like it though.
MoistObligation8003 1y ago Bohemian Rhapsody. It won an Oscar. After I watched it I did some internet research and basically the whole thing is made up and things that aren't made up occurred out of order time wise.
Not_My_Emperor 1y ago ST Argo. There was an interview with the someone who said the chase scene at the end is hilarious because what they actually did was book an ungodly early flight and just left with no issues. Turns out the Revolutionary Guard couldn't be bothered to be awake at like 4am.
Jai137 1y ago The Untouchables Takes a real life story and comic books it up. Fun if you don't mind the liberties the story takes.
Dash_Harber . 1y ago Edited 1y ago Braveheart is hilariously inaccurate, to the point where the battle of sterling bridge lacks a bridge, but damn if it isn't epic.
UhOhFeministOnReddit 1y ago Apocalypto. Great flick, but they blended a shitload of Mayan and Aztec culture together, and completely shifted timelines.
RSwordsman 1y ago There was a historians react video on YT featuring A Knight's Tale, and the consensus was basically horribly inaccurate, 10/10. I think it wins this thread lol.
LadicusRex 1y ago I feel like Amadeus gets a pass because it's an adaptation of a stageplay and as an adaptation it's not trying to be historically accurate but to instead tell a great story, which it does phenomenally.
lawontheside 1y ago Enemy at the Gates. By the time the Battle of Stalingrad began, there was no shortage of small arms and unarmed soldiers were not told to follow the man with the rifle and pick it up when he dies. Regular Red Army troops were not mowed down by blocking detachments simply for falling back without authorization. Otherwise, it's a great action movie that gives us a break from the usual Western Allied/German perspective to bring attention to the Soviet experience on the Eastern Front.
InstrumentRated 1y ago The 1970 production Tora, Tora, Tora pulled off one of the great cons of modern cinematography - it convinced an entire generation of Americans that after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto had said I fear that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. There is no evidence that the quote was ever spoken by Yamamoto - but it was so perfect and convincing that subsequent Hollywood movies released in 2001 (Pearl Harbor) and 2019 (Midway) unquestioningly passed it off as legitimate.
vworpstageleft 1y ago Anastasia Can you imagine getting murdered, then a movie gets made implying the woman who claimed your identity was the real deal and had to fight a freaky wizard's curse, and there were two knockoff movies made in the same year? Songs were boppin tho.


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