29 Bits of Trivia About Classic TV Shows

A one-liner accompanied by a freeze-frame. Our facts and classic TV go hand-in-hand
29 Bits of Trivia About Classic TV Shows

The act of comfort-watching is a form of experiential control. It’s not only a nice little hit of nostalgia, but there’s some serious anxiety relief when you already know what’s going to happen. That’s why we love classic TV. 

Sure, these facts about your favorite classics are unknown, but if you breathe and try to push through some anxiety, they’ll be well worth it.

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The best devolution in TV history.

CRACKED BEST: RICKETY CRICKET GETS RICKETIER BY THE DAY. ALWAYS SUNNY First introduced as a priest, he's expelled from the clergy, hunted for sport, had his legs broken, got hooked on crack, became a stripper, had his face melted, had his kidney stolen, and unknowingly dated (and made out with) a dog while high on PCP.


Kelly Bundy - Married… with Children

Kelly Bundy, now dumber with less clothes. MARRIED... WITH CHILDREN CRACKED.COM In what some call one of the most demeaning personality changes in TV history, Kelly Bundy began as a rebellious, witty teen, her IQ and wardrobe took a hit in Season 2, and she became a hyper-sexualized dumb blonde stereotype.



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