14 A+ Puns from Celebrities

Puns, dad jokes, whatever you’d like to call them, they initially seem like they’ll induce eye rolls that’ll throw out your neck, but they can end up eliciting a giggle. Maybe even a full blown belly laugh if you’re in the mood, you silly goose. The line between amazing and tragic here is razor thin, so as funny as we thought these were, you’ll have to judge for yourself. But hey, in the name of a good time, try to keep an open mind. You might just enjoy yourself.
Normally we tend to be a little high and mighty about our comedic tastes, but if these celebrities and seasoned veteran comedians got down with puns, heck, we could put our guard down and track down a few guilty pleasures. Just this once. Okay, unless our editors tell us to find more at some point. And who are we to wet-blanket a celebrity’s good time? Like a masturbating ghost, do you, boo. Sorry. Here are 14 A+ celebrity puns that are a plus. Sorry.
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It was a bathroom, so yeah, we hope they weren’t peeping.

Here’s one joke he won’t have to apologize for. Well, maybe.

Get these mother-punin’ puns on this mother-punin’ plane.

A cute one from a cute one.

Next time you’re at the marina with Tom and Marsha…

Phoebe Bridgers

He’s clearly chosen his Batman. Ours is Keaton, but to each his own.

So, it’s a cannibalistic foot?

Man, we really hope he tells Tom Cruise this joke one day.

Look, we got a few good things out of the ska craze.

Mark it on your calendar!

POTUS gave us TOTUS.

This kid stole our hearts.

English teachers rejoice.