What Role-Playing Games Are Really Like (When You're Drunk)
If you played role-playing games as a child, then you know they never worked as advertised. You'd sit down for an epic adventure with your friends only to find out that one of them can't pay attention, one is too stupid to be allowed near math, and one is ashamed of everything you're doing. I decided that nerds get lied to enough. An honest RPG.

If you played role-playing games as a child, then you know they never worked as advertised. You'd sit down for an epic adventure with your friends only to find out that one of them can't pay attention, one is too stupid to be allowed near math, and one is ashamed of everything you're doing. I decided that nerds get lied to enough by online "girl"friends and ads for Real, Working Submarines, so I've developed a system that promises and delivers an honest, realistic role-playing experience.