Turning a Scammer Into a Hero: An Email Exchange

I don't mean to brag, but I own a lot of email accounts. I've accumulated them over the past few years for reasons ranging from scientific experimentation to signing up for services with which I'm not particularly proud to be affiliated. When they've served their purpose, I rarely use them again except to sign a petition forced on me by some sincere and persistent activist, or to stuff the ballot during free car giveaways in malls.
From: Elizabeth Etters To: marcythick Sent: July 26, 2011 11:29 pmSubject: Thanks for RespondingGood day to you, I am very grateful to you for the interest shown in my plight and I want to assure you that you will be greatly rewarded for what you have chosen to do. My husband's relatives love only worldly things and they have used up my husband's wealth and property left behind. As I am here in the hospital they are around me and they have sold virtually all I have and what they wait to hear is that I am dead so that they lay their hands on my last belongings. My spirit directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet for someone to help me. You have to assure me you will keep this transaction confidential and you will be willing to contact the finance firm to finalize all necessary formalities as to the release of the fund to you. I would also like to know a little bit more about you. I require your urgent response. To prepare this document I will require your full names and address. With this document you will contact the finance firm to arrange the transfer of the fund to you. Mrs. Elizabeth Etters.
From: marcythick To: mrsetters007 Sent: July 27, 2011 11:16 amSubject: Re: Thanks for Responding Dear Elizabeth,I read your email. Holy cow you write a lot. Especially for someone who's dying. Your family sounds awful, I think your spirit was right in choosing me as your helper because I'm very trustworthy and nice and also a substitute teacher. I am not married and I just broke up with my long-term boyfriend a week ago, but it's good because he was boring.I will do whatever you want with the money and if you want me to spend it on myself then that's OK too. Once you are dead I will always remember you and pretend you are watching over me, even when I know it's probably not true because you are buried somewhere. I'm writing to let you know that I am in on this 100% and loyal and ready to do whatever you need. However, I am nervous about dealing with a bank because I don't trust banks. The bank on my street says that my ex-boyfriend froze my account. How do you unfreeze an account? I'm trying to get my account information back from him so that I can get all my money but in the meantime God has given me you and your money! Yay. Can I just give you my information and you pass it on to the bank and just have them mail me my money? Here is my full name and addressMarcy Thick1624 Caramay Way San Diego, CA Love,Marcy
From: marcythick To: mrsetters007 Sent: Aug 1, 2011 11:48 amSubject: Re: Bank Details Hi Liza,There are so many things I don't understand. I'm sorry to be such a sack of sour balls but I tried to open an account with your bank and they asked me for my account number and I don't know it. My ex-boyfriend has all that information. We split up in June and now I cannot get my stuff back from his place. I'm sure he'd be willing to help you because he loves money. His email is sorenkapow@rocketmail.com. Please email him the information and let him know I sent you. He's still in love with me and he'd do anything I told him to.Love,Marcy
From: marcythick To: mrsetters007 Sent: Aug 2, 2011 9:14 amSubject: Re: Bank Details Dear Eliza,I apologize for making you so upset. I didn't know any other way to get the account information. But I have a great idea! I'll email him your name and we can pretend that you are my lawyer and you can demand that he give me my account back. It's really unfair and probably illegal of him to block me out of it, I earned some of that money. Thanks for your help,Marcy
From: marcythick To: sorenkapow@rocketmail.com; mrsetters007 Sent: Aug 2, 2011 10:12 amSubject: My EntitlementDear Soren,It has been over a month and though I sent you tons of emails and IMs, you're still hiding my account information. That savings account legally belongs to me and you better not have touched even twenty dollars in there or I will sue you so fast your pants will fall down. I have enlisted the power of an attorney to help in this matter, and she is cc'd on this email. If you don't comply, we will have no choice but to take legal action. You blew it big time.Marcy
From: mrsetters007 To: marcythick Sent: Aug 3, 2011 3:03 pmSubject: Fwd: MarcyDear MercyI got this below e-mail from your boy friend. What do you want me to do in this matter?RegardsRegardsMrs Elizabeth Etters---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Soren Kapow Date: Aug 2, 2011 at 11:30 amSubject: MarcyTo: mrsetters007 Dear Madam,I can appreciate your position as a legal attorney representing my girlfriend and I'm not entirely certain that me contacting you is legal, however, I need your help. I love her. I want us to be together again like we were that photo from the park. I'm sympathetic to the fact that the law is blind in these circumstances and you provide legal counsel to whoever pays you, but please try to understand love is blind too, ma'am. I just ask that you put in a good word for me with Marcy. I'm more than willing to give her what she wants and we can all put this behind us. I just want her to come by the house. I think that if she sees the pictures on the walls and the cleanliness of the shower, she would agree that I have turned over a new leaf. Again, I'm sorry if this is unprofessional, I am asking you as one man to another. Thank you. Eternally grateful, Soren
From: mrsetters007 To: Soren Kapow Sent: Aug 3, 2011 6:17 pmSubject: FORMAL WARNINGDear Mr. Kapow,You were wrong to contact me and acted illegally. My client, Marcy Thick would like to press charges against you to the full extent. I hope you are prepared to go to trial. My client has agreed to drop all charges if you agree to give her back her belongings and give her access to your joint account. She is very sick right now and needs the money you are keeping from her. On top of that, she would like you to pay my legal fees thus far. They amount to $585. We will await your quick response.Sincerely,Elizabeth Etters Attorney, MDThaksin Lee Chambers And Associates Office Address, 122/25 Rajprarop RoadSacramento, California
From: marcythick To: mrsetters007 Sent: Aug 6, 2011 10:24 amSubject: Re: MarcyOh my goodness, in all the confusion I completely forgot you were dying. I'm sorry I guess. I did what you said and I went to talk to him. You were right, he was real sorry and nice and soooo cute. I think we can make it work this time. Did you know he got a motorcycle? That's so cool. We own you a big hot pile of thank yous for what you did. You were so kind. So now for the sad part. I can't help you with your money anymore. My boyfriend still thinks you are my lawyer and he would be really mad if he found out you were just some dying lady. We can never tell anyone what really happened. Thanks again. I will always remember you when you are dead for as long as I can remember to.Love,Marcy
From: mrsetters007 To: Soren Kapow Sent: Aug 6, 2011 4:14 pmSubject: Re: FORMAL WARNINGDear Mr. Kapow,You still have an outstanding balance with my law firm of the sum of $585. You have not sent the money order via Western Union as I requested. I assure you we take these matters very seriously and we will prosecute you with the full extent of the law if you do not pay.Because you are late in your payment, the amount has doubled to 1,160. Pay it as soon as possible to avoid another penalty or a jail sentence. Elizabeth Etters Attorney, MDThaksin Lee Chambers And AssociatesOffice Address, 122/25 Rajprarop RoadSacramento, California
For more from Soren, check out 5 Hilarious Failures in the History of American Revolutions and Understanding Hipsters: An Undercover Operation.