St. Patrick's Day With Real Irish People: A Cautionary Tale

One of the nice things about writing for Cracked is the occasional contact with celebrities. The cease and desist letter from David Bowie's lawyers calling my constant references to him "borderline creepy" was certainly a thrill, but last week, something even better happened. I got a call from Blindboyboatclub of the Irish band Rubberbandits informing me that they were coming to New York for a gig. Loyal Cracked readers will remember that the Bandits secured the top spot in one of my previous columns about misunderstood satirists for their "Horse Outside" video. Subsequently, Blindboy and I struck up a friendship even though, unlike the Bandits, I don't ride horses, appear on television or huff bags of glue."We're playing New York," he said. Or at least I assumed that's what he said. The Limerick accent was still difficult for me to comprehend, as my familiarity with Irish dialects was based mostly on leprechauns of the Warwick Davis and Lucky Charms variety.
Mr. Davis spent over 300 hours with a dialect coach in order to perfect what is known in the business as "The McNoOneTalksLikeThis Brogue."
I set down the phone and prepared to do all the things I needed to get ready for a night of drunken hijinks. Specifically, I asked my wife's permission."Rubberbandits," she said. "Aren't those the hooligans who got you so drunk nine months ago that you lost your phone and spent the whole next day puking?" "No. I just got drunk
BriTANick moments before they torture your kitten.
Having cleared my night, I next had to pick my wardrobe. I struggled to find fashion that was capable of both accenting my international website columnist credentials and masking my "blogger's gut." I opted for the always safe button-down shirt and jeans combination, and caught my train into the big city. It had been so long since I'd been out on a Saturday night. All the young female receptionists and IT geeks from my work week had apparently spent the afternoon in emo chrysalises that allowed them to emerge as Saturday night goth princesses or steampunk divas or whatever the current terminology is for someone who wears black and makes me think about deviant sex. And the men, well, I'm sure there were men in the city, too. I didn't notice.
"Yes, fathers are a chronic, bitter disappointment, aren't they?"
Unfortunately, the Azkaban Tormenter working the door told me the Bandits had failed to leave a guest list. I looked down at her crooked mouth of misery, wondering what to do, but just then I heard the door behind me open and I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Blindboy and the largest Chinese dude I've ever seen. "Jaysus!" he said to the troll woman. "That's Gladstone! He's with me." She quickly stamped my hand. "Sorry, I just assumed he was a narc." No sooner was I in the venue than I was whisked downstairs to a private underground party area containing lots of PBR, some girls and more Chinese dudes. "Sorry I was late," Blindboy said. "I was at the Statue of Liberty. Bit shit, isn't it? Tupac's not even buried there." One of the large Chinese dudes handed me a PBR. "Um, yeah. So are these guys your friends?" I asked."Ya, Triads," he said. Gas bastards altogether. We met in Chinatown and offered them a job doing security. Can't be too safe in the crazy world of gangsta rap."
Pictured above: One of the bodyguards posing with his 6-foot-5-inch wife.
Sign of true fandom or mental illness?
And it looked a lot like nothing resembling this.
The boys took the stage and I whipped out my phone, capturing some of the worst, most unusable footage ever recorded. So to help recreate the experience, I'll just tell you they tore up the place up with a new single, "Black Man," while the following video played behind them:THE AFTER-PARTY
Backstage, after the show, the boys were getting changed in a hurry. "Great show, guys," I said, "but what's the rush?""Chrome got invited to some hipster party in Williamsburg. Get your stuff, we're going. An opportunity to see hipsters in their natural habitat happens once in a lifetime.""Get the fuck out. Some random hipster saw you and invited you to a party without even knowing you were famous back home?""Well," Chrome said, "between the accent and the bag on my head, I'm a pretty attractive guest to an American hipster.""You're basically going to be human PBR tonight."
Before we left, I got a chance to document how happy the Bandits were to be hanging with me.
Understandable mistake. I guess?
It looked just like this, except a little less incredibly terrifying.
"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up." It was my youngest, jumping on my chest. I was on my couch. Somehow. And it was morning."Let Daddy sleep," my wife said. "He's had a hard night of pretending to be a rock star."I remember the warmth of that final shot of Jameson, and then nothing else. I had passed out."Morning, babe," I said, my throat raw and thick."Morning. Any idea why a 6-foot-7-inch Chinese dude brought you home in a rickshaw at 3 a.m. this morning?" she asked."Because I'm really cool?" I suggested."Yeah, that's probably it."It was a fun night, but I was glad to be home, and I could easily wait another nine months until the Bandits came back before having such a time again. But when they did return, I knew I'd be ready. After all, I still had a memento from the evening.
Gladstone has brought back HATE BY NUMBERS. Also follow Gladstone on Twitter and stay up to date on the latest regarding Notes from the Internet Apocalypse. And then there's his website and Tumblr, too.