A Dog Riding A Miniature Horse
You guys sure do love to argue!
It doesn't really seem to matter what the subject is either; from whether the Super Bowl ads were actually that bad (answer: yes, they were) to whether Arrested Development was a funny show or not (answer: yes, it was), you guys have managed to turn all of this week's comments sections into a battle zone.
Now it's Friday and, to be honest, I'm exhausted. And nervous. Maybe even a little bit scared. It's been a contentious week here on the Cracked Blog and I don't really want to face your wrath today, Cracked readers. That's why I'm posting a video that I'm pretty sure we can all agree on, something that nobody in their right minds could possibly hate.
We all have our differences, but surely we can all agree that this video of a dog riding a miniature horse is pretty much the best thing ever.