12-Year-Old Kid Breaks Computers, Destroys My Entire Belief System
I've always considered myself a fairly rational person. I was brought up in an atheist household, never received any formal religious training, and have always generally believed that unusual occurrences can be explained by science. Or I did, anyway, until I watched this video. Now I know that science can't explain everything... and I'm completely fucking terrified.
Why does this kid break every computer that he touches despite appearing completely normal otherwise? They called in a guy with all kinds of testing equipment to check it out, a bunch of reporters from a local news outlet investigated it, and there's still no answer?! How is this possible?! I need an explanation here. If we can have 12-year-old kids running around calling themselves "Magneto Man" and baffling the experts (of Richland, New York no less!), then it's only a matter of time before I believe in ghosts, leprechauns and Jesus.
So that's great. Thanks a lot, internet - now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to church. Yeah - that's something I do now. Or wait... what do they call the Jewish version of church again? Whatever it is, that's where I'm going. Either there or to the forest where all the leprechauns and ghosts hang out. I'm pretty sure they drink together there at night. I should go, get loaded and think about Jewish Jesus. Between the ghosts, leprechauns, Jewish Jesus and getting loaded, that would be... FOUR BIRDS WITH ONE STONE!
That has to be some sort of record, doesn't it?