So this week's episode is about A&E's Psychic Kids. A show that proves the once classy network has no (Sixth) sense of shame.
But rather than rehashing the vid, I'd like to use this column to talk to you about my neighbors, The Archers. When they moved in with their two kids last year, I was a little concerned. Mostly because it was clear they were hippies. I feared Mrs Archer coming over at all hours asking to borrow a cup of patchouli. Or Mr. Archer asking me if I wanted to "partake of the sacrement" with his bloodshot eyes and slow grin. But none of that ever happened. They work. They shower. They don't throw naked unshaved clothing optional parties. And they have the two most awesome kids, Raine and Stella Moon. Yep, that's right. I'm talking about "Johnny" from the F*cking Science episode of HBN. Well he has an adorable little sister with an even hippier name.
You would think that after the Science episode the Archers would have the good sense not to let Raine come over ol' G-Stone's house anymore. But hey, they're hippies. It takes a village and all that. So not only did I get to use Raine again, but the Archers even honored my request to use little Stella Moon. Bless those freaky bastards.