If The Army Can Make An Awesome Video Game, Why Can't Christians? The Friday Nooner (EST)!

If The Army Can Make An Awesome Video Game, Why Can't Christians? The Friday Nooner (EST)!
Left Behind: Eternal Forces As we've learned this week on the Cracked Blog, video games generally don't make very good movies. Nor do most TV shows, cartoons or - God help us all - board games, but here's one we clearly missed: Can apocalyptic Christian literature be turned into a sweet video game? My gut instinct tells me "no." As far as I know, the coolest Christian-approved video game to date was Bible Adventures, and you know what? It really wasn't all that great. If you're not Christian, Christian entertainment generally doesn't have much allure. There are exceptions to this rule, of course: The Passion of The Christ
, Christian rock music and videos of Christians talking about bananas can all be enjoyed ironically, but can we really expect them to make a decent video game? That might be asking too much. Then I watch this trailer and think to myself, "Wow - that actually looks pretty fucking sweet." Apocalypse lends itself well to the video game medium, and this could actually be a pretty fun game if it was done well. You know when you get bored playing Grand Theft Auto and just start murdering everyone and blowing shit up to see how long you can survive? Well that's pretty much what the apocalypse would be like, isn't it? GTA
isn't very Christian, but it could be with a few tweaks. Throw some scripture into the loading screens, add a little more blood, and BAM - you've got yourself a certified Christian video game! Based on the trailer, it kind of seems like that's what this game is like, and you know what? That would be kind of awesome and I would totally play it. Oh, wait. According to the game's website:
  • Contrary to misinformation on the web, this game does not include references to any other religion. Also, there is NO killing in the name of God, and NO convert or die missions. All content has been reviewed and approved by Tyndale House Publishers prior to publication.
  • Conduct warfare using the power of PRAYER and WORSHIP as more powerful weapons than guns.
  • Nevermind.
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