Cracked sells out loves Fido.

Have you heard of the movie Fido? It's kind of fucking awesome. And I don't just say that because the studio behind Fido is pouring its advertising dollars into with that custom header treatment above. I say it because the studio behind Fido is pouring a ton of its advertising dollars into Seriously -- we're thinking of ordering pizzas tonight. With extra cheese. Fido even commissioned a completely unbiased, Halloween-and-Fido-themed piece from us. Frankly, though, if Cracked is going to sell out to corporate advertisers, it's pretty sweet that it's starting with a movie that can be described as follows:
Timmy Robinson's best friend in the whole wide world is a six-foot tall rotting zombie named Fido. But when FIDO eats the next-door neighbor, Mom and Dad hit the roof...Hell yeah.